3 Months of Communication MAGIC

Get individualized support and step by step action plans to improve connection and decrease frustration while supporting your child's communication development. Learn the foundation of communication including your child's stages of communication and play development. How to utilize: face-to-face, waiting, following their focus, taking turns, routines, toys, people games and adding language to maximize communication opportunities . YOU are the magic!

✓ 12 Weekly Sessions
✓ Individualized coaching and support weekly
✓ Step by Step Action Plans in RMSLP Guide & Workbook
✓ Specific games, toys & routines supporting session topics
✓ Access to Replays if you miss us LIVE

Connection, language and communication skills developed


Join Me!

Let’s embark on a journey together to spark your child's communication development and increase your confidence in your own parenting abilities! Learn to interact with your child in a way that nurtures connection not contention; turn chaos into joy. YOU are the magic! Join our small group parent communication coaching. Get empowered and inspired by the passion that I have for communication and language development, coupled with over 20 years of experience, that I bring to each session. Each week, dive into personalized parent coaching sessions, where you'll gain valuable insights, strategies, and support tailored to your child's needs. Let's journey together towards fostering confident communicators and competent parents!

If connecting and communicating with your child is a priority ~ Reserve your spot and watch your child thrive!